Laboratorio LaGufa - beeswax wrap e sostituti sostenibili della pellicola -  chi siamo

Who We Are

we who dream of a greener world

We are Giuliana and Federico, and together we dreamed and created “Laboratorio La Gufa”. Ours is an artisanal company committed to producing sustainable products for everyday life, with the aim of reducing environmental impact and promoting positive change in consumption habits. We focus on the production of high-quality artisanal products, using organic and local raw materials, with care, passion, and attention to detail. Our mission is to raise awareness of an alternative and provide practical solutions to reduce the use of plastic in daily life. From all this comes Pellina, the ecological alternative to kitchen film. We conceived it, experimented with it, and created it, but above all, we use it every day and know its value!

It all began in our small home laboratory, a room filled with the scent of honey, wax, and propolis.

La Gufa is a name that aims to evoke the nature that surrounds us; it’s an animal that I have always loved and that has accompanied me in various ways throughout my life. La Gufa was the name of our first “homestead” project, now transformed into a laboratory because here we always create something new! We started with a small apiary, began producing honey, and then, some years ago now, the discovery of an ecological packaging that we could produce ourselves changed everything! We believed in it from the start, began experimenting with wax from our apiary and using old napkins. It took time, but in the end, the perfect mixture was found! The result excited us so much that we decided to promote it among people, participating in markets and fairs; the aim is to make everyone aware of this product that can change our kitchen habits and help reduce plastic consumption. From this successful experience arises “Laboratorio La Gufa”, no longer just a small room but a real laboratory where every day we create our “Pellina, the Natural Film.”

Laboratorio LaGufa - beeswax wrap e sostituti sostenibili della pellicola
It all began in our small home laboratory, a room filled with the scent of honey, wax, and propolis.

La Gufa is a name that aims to evoke the nature that surrounds us; it’s an animal that I have always loved and that has accompanied me in various ways throughout my life. La Gufa was the name of our first “homestead” project, now transformed into a laboratory because here we always create something new! We started with a small apiary, began producing honey, and then, some years ago now, the discovery of an ecological packaging that we could produce ourselves changed everything! We believed in it from the start, began experimenting with wax from our apiary and using old napkins. It took time, but in the end, the perfect mixture was found! The result excited us so much that we decided to promote it among people, participating in markets and fairs; the aim is to make everyone aware of this product that can change our kitchen habits and help reduce plastic consumption. From this successful experience arises “Laboratorio La Gufa”, no longer just a small room but a real laboratory where every day we create our “Pellina, the Natural Film.”


For whom? For everyone!
Who is Pellina for? It’s for anyone looking for an eco-friendly and quality alternative to plastic film! If you’re tired of synthetic solutions and seeking something more natural and sustainable, then Pellina is exactly what you need. Whether you’re a cooking enthusiast, a conscientious parent, or simply an environmental lover, we’ve thought of you! Our wax wraps, lovingly made in our artisanal laboratory, are available with beeswax or in a vegan version with candelilla wax, to meet all needs. With Pellina, there are no compromises: it’s a better alternative to plastic because, in addition to preserving food at its best, it respects the environment without sacrificing practicality.
Choose Pellina and make an authentic choice for yourself and for the planet!
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Pellina Pack L

24 euro

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Pellina Veg Roll

26 euro

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Pellina Bag M

18 euro

Pellina is…


Conscious choice of companies we work with


Lovingly handcrafted product


Product tested in laboratory
You were not leaving your cart just like that, right?


🌱 Salva il tuo carrello per portare un tocco di natura in cucina! 🍃